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Our Vision for Art and Design: 

At St Teresa’s Catholic Primary School our aim for teaching Art and Design is that it is embedded throughout the curriculum and that we ensure opportunities to: develop ideas, master techniques, take inspiration from a diverse range of great artists and to be able to evaluate work completed.

We strive to stimulate the creativity, imagination and inventiveness of our pupils whilst teaching them the skills and knowledge of a range of concepts.  This helps them to develop their own critical thinking techniques, in order to confidently express ideas, ask questions, problem solve and evaluate their individual experience of Art and Design.

Art and Design aims:

  • For children to become reflective artists
  • To enable children to record from first-hand experience and imagination, and to select their own ideas to use in their work
  • To be able to evaluate in a meaningful way, giving reasons for choices
  • Develop creativity and imagination through a range of complex activities
  • Improve the children’s ability to control materials, tools and techniques
  • To foster an enjoyment and appreciation of the visual arts and knowledge of artists, craftspeople and designers
  • To be able to apply creative thought to a variety of situations
  • For our pupils to have a love of Art and an enriching experience of Art